In an Era of Metaverse and Virtual Reality, is it even wise to ban cryptocurrencies?
When the possibilities involving the Metaverse and Cryptocurrencies are beginning to show a huge promise, it won’t be prudent to ban cryptos altogether.
Meenu Agarwal Illumines The Vision of Norwegian Interior Design Approach: Friluftsliv
Meenu Agarwal the Founder and Director of MADS Creations, paves the way to build interiors inspired by the Norwegian philosophy of Friluftsliv.
Are NFTs The Next Big Thing or Just Another Brick in The Wall?
NFTs are the currency of art forms. Example, if you have created an image or any form of digital art, you can have it copyrighted and sell it off to make money.
Top 5 Entrepreneurs That Have Transformed The Indian Start-Up Ecosystem
In the Indian Start-up Ecosystem, almost 28 Start ups attained the status of Unicorns in the year 2021. The figure boosts confidence of new start ups as well.
Why Is Edtech Industry Gaining Popularity & Funds From Across The Globe?
Edtech giants like Byju’s, Unacademy, UpGrad, Vedantu, etc. have seen unparalleled growth due to huge demand to fulfill the educational needs of students.
Central Bank Digital Currency May Be Launched Soon in India
The government may soon launch Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in a move to enter the cryptocurrency market through one of Centre backed Digital Coin.