Rudraksh Immigration elaborates on how to apply for Permanent Residency (PR) for Australia

The last couple of years have crippled all of the biggest economies in the world. The unprecedented situations forced prolonged lockdowns in every country. As a result, every economy suffered terribly and is still reeling under the effects of the pandemic. However, as the nations start to open up, the economies will need to be attended to in order for prosperity to return. For most developed countries, this is possible only through relaxing the immigration policies because a lot of their industries rely heavily on foreign workers. Rudraksh Immigration Mohali has kept a close eye on the changing migration policies of Australia and it reckons that the perfect opportunity to apply for the Australian PR has arrived. It explains the step-by-step guide to apply for PR for Australia.
Check Eligibility:
- The first and foremost step towards applying for the Australian PR is to check your eligibility. This includes a points system that takes into account your age, points you score, English language proficiency, occupation and skills.
- If you are under 45 years of age, you can apply for PR. For the age between 18 and 44 years, you receive 15 to 30 points.
- You could prove your English language proficiency by taking IELTS or similar tests. Depending on your level, you are awarded 0 to 20 points.
- Your work experience outside, or in Australia is relevant to calculating your points too. If your work experience ranges between 0 to 10 years, you will be awarded 0 to 20 points.
- You are eligible to receive 10 to 20 points on the basis of your educational qualifications. This includes Bachelor, Master, Doctorate, Diploma degrees from recognised educational institutes.
- There is an opportunity to bag additional 5 points if you qualify for the Australian Study Requirement course of 92 weeks.
- A specialist qualification in Australia including a Master or Doctorate degree will fetch you 5 points.
- In the bonus points category, you could score 5 points for Study in Designated Regional Area, 5 points for Professional Year (IT / Accounting / Engineering) and 5 points for Learning Designated Language (NAATI Translator / Interpreter).
- If you are without a partner or with an Australian Citizen partner, you will get 10 extra points.
- Depending on the state, you are eligible for 5 points if you are applying for 190 Sub Class and 15 points for 491 Sub Class.
Skill Assessment
After scoring more than 65 points, you will receive an ITA (Invitation to Apply) wherein you will need to send your skills or area of expertise to the concerned authorities to verify your capabilities. It takes around 45-60 days for the skill assessment process. With it, you will need to submit an EOI (Expression of Interest) stating your reason for applying for the Australian PR.
Only after receiving the ITA can you submit your attested documents and visa application form to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP). If any dependents are joining you, you have to mention the details here. Make sure to apply for the correct visa category. Also, the work experience / occupation you mention must be a part of the Short-Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL), Medium and Long-Term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) or Regional Occupation List (ROL).
Verification and Medical
The applicants are also needed to prove their medical fitness certificate. That will be submitted along with the aforementioned documents for faster processing time. Thereafter, the DIBP will conduct thorough research to ascertain the veracity of your documents and certificates. Once it is done, it will grant you the visa within 3 to 5 months.
Following the visa approval, you have 6 months to migrate to Australia. RudrakshImmigration Consultants could help you with the visa application process. They will ensure that you collect all the documents before submitting the visa application according to your situation and eligibility.
Australia is one of the most favourite overseas destinations for Indians to migrate to. The rich geographical landscapes, unique island continent location, English language, great working culture and high standard of living are some of the prominent aspects that Australia offers to foreigners. If you are interested in knowing more about how to apply for the Australian PR, book an appointment with Rudraksh Group in Mohali today.
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